Overview of 2024 studies

December 2024


Over the past year, the Cleve Wind Farm team has made significant progress by completing acoustic, ecological, and visual studies for the proposed wind farm. These studies are a crucial part of our design process, ensuring we carefully assess and manage any potential impacts during construction and operation. The findings have helped us minimize vegetation clearing, reduce noise impacts, and optimise the layout for turbines, access roads, and infrastructure. 


We are pleased to report that the initial survey results indicate no major concerns with the locations of our proposed wind turbines or infrastructure. To build on this work and uphold our commitment to protecting the local environment and community well-being, Vestas will undertake additional studies, including: 

  • Visual studies and montages to provide the community with a clear understanding of how the landscape will look after construction. 

  • Further acoustic testing beyond the project boundary to ensure residents outside the immediate area are not affected. 

  • Additional ecological studies and potential micro-siting adjustments to refine turbine placement. 

  • Potential for seasonal flora and fauna surveys to account for any changes throughout the year. 

We are dedicated to ensuring this project is developed responsibly and continues to support both the environment and the local community. Thank you for your interest and ongoing feedback as we move forward.